?ào t?o y t? ?óng vai trò quan tr?ng trong vi?c xây d?ng h? th?ng y t? ch?t l??ng, ??m b?o ?áp ?ng nhu c?u ch?m sóc s?c kh?e c?a c?ng ??ng. M?t ch??ng trình ?ào t?o y t? hi?u qu? không ch? t?p trung vào ki?n th?c chuyên môn mà còn chú tr?ng ??n k? n?ng m?m nh? giao ti?p, làm vi?c nhóm và kh? n?ng gi?i quy?t v?n ??.Hi?n nay, s? ph�… Read More

Medical training plays an important role in building a quality health system, ensuring that it meets the health care needs of the community. An effective medical training program not only focuses on professional knowledge but also focuses on soft skills such as communication, teamwork and problem-solving ability.Currently, the rapid development of … Read More